
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

LTI Podcast #23 - The "Cool"cast Part 1 [Serge]

LTI Podcast #23 - The "Cool"cast part 1 After determining that Rich lacks the coolness that such an episode demands, Jay takes over hosting duties and is joined by special guests Megan Almon of LTI and Brett Kunkle of Stand to Reason. They discuss the concept of "cool" and how it applies to the pro-life movement today.

In what is clearly the most uncool segment of this "cool"cast, Rich also comments on a recent article claiming that believers tend to make God in their own image when considering their moral beliefs.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Monday, December 7, 2009

LTI Podcast #22 - The Stupak Amendment [Serge]

Life Training Institute Podcast #22 - The Stupak Amendment

The Stupak amendment is being hailed as a great pro-life victory - but is it possible that pro-lifers just enabled one of the worst bills ever to pass the House of Representatives? Scott returns to the roundtable with Rich and Jay to discuss this and other issues related to Obamacare.