
Monday, February 20, 2012

Joyce Arthur Gets Smacked Down, Again [Scott]

This time by Mario Conseco.

Finally, Ms. Arthur is confused—and this is something that happens many times with lobbyists—when awkwardly attempting to establish a correlation between breadth and incidence. Because late-term abortions rarely happen, she seems to suggest, we do not need a law. This is as preposterous as saying that there should be no law on same-sex marriage, because only 0.02 per cent of Canadians have chosen to wed their gay or lesbian partners....

Before putting our trust in Ms. Arthur and her “analysis”, we must consider her selective quoting of polling data. She has done it before, with surveys conducted by the same company she now attempts to bash. If the proportion of Canadians who wanted no changes to abortion were higher, Ms. Arthur would not be questioning this poll’s findings.

HT: Jivin J

Thursday, February 16, 2012

LTI Podcast #27 - The HHS Contraception Mandate [Serge]

Jay, Scott, and Rich are back to take on the most recent news in the bioethics community. This week we address the Obama administration's mandate for religious organizations to include contraceptive and abortifacient coverage in their health insurance. Is this just a "Catholic Issue", or is there significant ramifications for those of all faiths.

Direct download here or subscribe via ITunes - just search Life Training Institute.

Monday, February 6, 2012

The LTI Podcast #26 is Back!! [Serge]

We are back! Jay, Scott, and Rich get the band back together and discuss some of the news items of the day, including the Komen Foundation defunding Planned Parenthood, the Obama administration's stance on contraceptive coverage and our president's statement on the Roe v Wade anniversary. We also discuss the religious arguments that supposedly support abortion.

You can subscribe to our podcasts through ITunes by searching for Life Training Institute Podcast, or download this episode directly using

*FYI We recorded the podcast on Thursday morning before the news that Komen reversed on the decision to cease the grants to Planned Parenthood. Even so, it is obvious that we were all a bit reserved in our attitudes toward the news. Jay*

Friday, February 3, 2012