
Monday, February 4, 2008

Links [SK]

In case you didn't know, Francis Beckwith is blogging over at What's Wrong with the World. His case for John McCain is here. His case against Obama is summed up in the following quote:

Obama's message: I will end the politics of division by attractively stipulating the correctness of my views and thus implying that those who don't agree are ugly and want to perpetuate the politics of division.
Years ago, Frank labled this the "passive aggressive tyranny trick." Indeed.

Glenn Statile outlines Robert P. George's article "Embryo Ethics," published in Daedalus (Winter, 2008). The full article from George is not on-line, but I have it in print form and it's superb.

John Piper connects the dots on abortion, Down's Syndrome killings, and terrorism.

Jivin J writes about a conversion story and an abortion-choicer who gets at least one thing right.

Atheism and Violence is a piece by Edward T. Oakes. Meanwhile Steve Wagner links to a World Mag post on abortion-choicers acting violently toward pro-lifers. Not surprising, there's a deafening silence from the media on both points.

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