The title of this post does not refer to the content of the ad by this Manhattan storage facility placed up in New York City. I mean it is a good sign that the opposition is getting increasingly hysterical. It is a sign of progress. If they did not sense a change in attitudes they would not be getting as riled up as they are. Anna Quindlen and the “Terribly Tough Question,” coat hangers on ads, and a more focused agenda from the pro-abort side mean that they sense that the fight is recommencing in earnest. Perhaps, the days that they believed they could trust the judicial protection of Roe v. Wade are over.
The further we get advancing the pro-life belief that it is a bad idea to violently destroy innocent human life because it is inconvenient the more those who hold the opposing view will growl and spit. A pastor once told me that if you throw a rock into a group of dogs the one that hollers the loudest is the one you hit. Now we have to keep pushing, keep the dogs yelping. As long as they bark, we can be assured that something is working.
HT: Drudge Report
"A pastor once told me that if you throw a rock into a group of dogs the one that hollers the loudest is the one you hit."
ReplyDeleteDid you ask him just how he knew that? Just wondering.
ReplyDeleteI am not certain I understand the question. If the humor of the comment is lost on you then different strokes for different folks. If you are asking how it was that he knew that the people who were most often upset by a particular comment were the ones that were most likely to feel atacked because of their own position/life decisions, then I assume it was from 40 years of experience in pastoring and counseling a congregation.
If I have misunderstood your point then feel free to clarify.