One two-week period a year, we ask you to help us. Life Training Institute depends on you, our fellow pro-lifers, to reach students with pro-life presentations. The students have no money to pay us to speak. And for the most part, neither do their schools.
So PLEASE, reach for your credit card (or checkbook) and send the most generous year-end gift you can.
I’ll let the students tell you first-hand why your gift matters. These comments all come from recent posts on my Facebook wall, save the last one which was sent to Megan's cell phone:
I attended a Summit Youth Conference at Bryan College last July and heard you speak on the topic of abortion. I just recently wrote an argumentative paper arguing that abortion is wrong, and very much of my paper was made up of some of the points that you made, especially the "S.L.E.D." acronym. I thank you very much for your constant service to the pro-life cause, and to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. God has done (and will do) much good through you, and I praise His name for that. May you and your family have a blessed Holiday season.
The Case For Life is such an incredible book. I am currently writing a persuasive essay about ESCR and your book has been a great help to me. It is exciting to share the truth with others. So thank you! Have a good one!
I have been waiting to tell you the good news. I began a chapter of teens for life at my high school after attending the teens for life summer camp. We had our first meeting and without an announcement made at school, we had 10 students all dedicated to utilizing their time and talents to the pro-life meeting. The training I received from you helped me begin this club because, since it is a public school, I am not allowed to make it an official club if it has religion in it.
I just wanted to say thank you and to let you know of the progress I have made since the summer.
Just wanted to let you know that I used a lot of your techniques that I learned at Summit Ministries today. I gave a speech on why abortion is wrong, and there was a mini debate after I finished. So I just wanted to thank you and let you know that you had an enormous impact on my life.
Scott, Tabby had to write and present a persuasive argument against abortion...The professor said he has taught for 30 years (college level speech classes) and has seen many presentations on this topic, but has never seen it presented in this way, nor as well done! Tabby told him that she was “Klusendorf-trained!”
-Lori (Parent)
Megan, Thank you so much for coming this morning! You were amazing. You have no idea how many people and teachers came up to me saying how much they enjoyed your presentation and how they’ve always wanted someone to explain worldview to them. Thank you so much!
-Maddie, 18
Please make your gift here.
Thank you!
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